CIS Children and Youth Camps



REGION: Eurasia

About the project

FIELD: Commonwealth of Independent States (former Soviet Union)

COUNTRIES: Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, and two countries in Central Asia


Children and youth on the CIS field are the most vulnerable victims of modern addictions such as drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. In a fragile economy, parents are forced to work, leaving children alone and lonely. That has proven to be fertile ground for children and youth to become victims of drug and alcohol abuse. Also, due to the background of the region, spiritual values are rarely promoted or practiced. Under communism, people living in former Soviet countries were not allowed to practice faith, and that legacy has continued. Children are in need of real hope.


Through strategic children and youth camps every summer, we are embracing children and youth through a series of activities based on the promotion of three basic values: God, community, and self. The main aim is to introduce thousands of children and youth to the Savior, Jesus Christ, through a life of Christian community. We also work to help children and youth to develop activities that will help them value and serve their communities. Finally, the camps put special attention on strengthening the self-esteem and value of children and youth as individuals who were created by God. Through the fellowship of a Christian community and through Christian values, we help children and youth experience life, love, and communion with Christ, their families, communities, and among one another.


Last summer, Children Camps were celebrated in Ukraine (8), Armenia (8), Kazakhstan (1), Kyrgyzstan (3), and Russia (5). More than 1,000 children benefitted, and many of them received Jesus as their personal Savior.


For $25 you can provide materials for Bible studies and Bible quizzing.

For $50 you can provide supplies for activities such as crafts, sports, and games.

For $100 you can provide transportation to get children to the campsite.

For $150 you can provide a 10-day camp experience for one child.


Sonya is from Armenia, where she went to camp last summer. She says, “I consider this camp totally successful. We got so much information about Jesus Christ and what He did for us that we were able to understand and repent. We also had many interesting activities, games, small groups, and Bible studies, which gave us much experience. I could learn so much here. I am very thankful to all those who did their best for us to have this camp, which helped us come close to our God.”

Rima, is also from Armenia, where she went to camp: “I was excited when the pastor called for repentance and prayed for me. Now I am very happy, and I have peace in my heart and life because I accepted Jesus Christ deep in my heart.”


Donate by Check:

In the US:
Make checks payable to General Treasurer
and send them to:

Global Treasury Services
Church of the Nazarene
P.O. Box 843116
Kansas City, MO 64184-3116

In Canada: Make checks payable Church of the Nazarene Canada and send them to:

Church of the Nazarene Canada
3657 Ponytrail Drive
Mississauga, ON L4X 1W5

Be sure to put ACM1738 in the Memo area. Thanks for your donation.