Middle East Crisis Response



REGION: Eurasia

THE NEED: $90,000.00

About the project

Individuals and families in the Middle East are facing extreme difficulties due to a number of violent conflicts. Regional conflicts have forced families to flee. The numbers of internally displaced people and refugees have reached historic levels and created a crisis. There are very few resources to meet the overwhelming needs.

Nazarene churches in the Middle East are responding to the needs of 10,000 people living as refugees or internally displaced persons. Nazarene churches are providing families and individuals with food packages, hygiene kits, health care, blankets, and foam mattresses. Church members are also reaching out to families, visiting their homes, praying for them, providing special meals, and engaging them in fellowship activities.

As with any crisis, serving children—who are among the most vulnerable—is a priority. Nazarene churches are creating English clubs, after-school programs, sports initiatives, and Sunday school activities for children directly affected by the crisis. Four formal, accredited schools are educating children who have been displaced. Two additional informal schools have been established to meet the educational needs of refugee children who cannot attend a formal school.

Through your support, you will deliver a tangible expression of love and a message of redemption and hope to people who are threatened, scared, and in desperate need.

- $30 can purchase a mattress and blanket
- $30 can also purchase medication for someone with chronic illness
- $50 can buy a package of food staples for a family
- $80 can purchase a heater for a family to get through harsh winter weather
- $100 can cover the cost of an after-school program for one child for three months


Donate by Check:

In the US:
Make checks payable to General Treasurer
and send them to:

Global Treasury Services
Church of the Nazarene
P.O. Box 843116
Kansas City, MO 64184-3116

In Canada: Make checks payable Church of the Nazarene Canada and send them to:

Church of the Nazarene Canada
3657 Ponytrail Drive
Mississauga, ON L4X 1W5

Be sure to put ACM1645 in the Memo area. Thanks for your donation.