South Asia Child Development Centers



REGION: Eurasia

THE NEED: $6,000.00

About the project

"My name is Sukhi. I have four brothers. We're very poor, so my father said: Girls don't need education! This made me very sad. I didn't smile anymore. Then my mother heard about the CDC and admitted me there. I was so happy! The CDC is very different from other schools. After our normal lessons we learn songs, dances and drama. Every day we get a good lunch. If we get sick, the school gives us medical care. And my mother attends evening classes there. I love my school a lot and I'm so glad I can go there. Now I've always got a smile on my face!" (Sukhi, from South Asia)

All over South Asia, NCM is starting child development centers (CDCs): to offer children hope and a chance of breaking out of the cycle of poverty and exploitation that has enchained their families for generations. But development is only successful and effects lasting transformation if it is holistic. That‘s why the CDCs address all aspects of the children‘s development: physical, cognitive, social, mental, and spiritual.

Regular school education is free in South Asia, but it's often inaccessible and poor children are left far behind. In CDCs children receive school classes or homework help and learn a variety of other things that will help them succeed. In addition, children do physical exercise daily and receive regular health checkups. Children and parents are trained in various hygiene and health issues, such as preventing common illnesses (80% of all diseases are preventable). In CDCs, children also have the opportunity to play and behave like children, in sports and games, cultural events, songs and drama, and many other activities. All CDCs include a spiritual component through Bible stories, songs and prayer. Children are also given basic school materials such as books and exercise books, pencils, erasers, and bags or school uniforms.

In some CDCs, children receive a nutritious snack or meal every day. But more importantly, mothers learn how to prepare nutritious meals with locally available food, and receive seeds and training to plant their own home gardens. In self-help groups, mothers learn to start small businesses with their savings, which often substantially raise the family income.

Child Development Centers do much more than serve the children: they transform their families and entire communities. The CDCs are started in full cooperation with the community to make them locally owned and relevant, and are structured to achieve self-support within approximately five years. One CDC ministers to an average of 75 children. You can support an entire center or individual children (this is NOT the regular NCM Child Sponsorship!). Your gift will help transform South Asia!

Per center (75 children) per month: $500
Per center (75 children) per year: $6,000
(Education: $2,600 + Health: $1,350 + SHG: $450 + Training: $950 + Admin: $650)

Per child per quarter (3 months): $25
Per child per year: $100


Donate by Check:

In the US:
Make checks payable to General Treasurer
and send them to:

Global Treasury Services
Church of the Nazarene
P.O. Box 843116
Kansas City, MO 64184-3116

In Canada: Make checks payable Church of the Nazarene Canada and send them to:

Church of the Nazarene Canada
3657 Ponytrail Drive
Mississauga, ON L4X 1W5

Be sure to put ACM1623 in the Memo area. Thanks for your donation.