Kudjip Nazarene Hospital Project



REGION: Asia-Pacific

THE NEED: $155,000.00

About the project

Kudjip Nazarene Hospital has served Papua New Guinea for 45 years. The PNG government provides almost all the staff salaries but only about 30% of the needed operational funds. Therefore patient fees remain higher than we would like and donations are critical to fill in the gaps.

We feel one of the best way for people to contribute financially is through the Greatest Need fund – this really is our most constant need. Equipment breaks, medicine supplies run short, sewage system needs repair, water system problems occur…. This is all part of running a hospital in a resource limited setting – something is always going wrong or there is not enough. We can still use these funds on the big projects as well such as housing and infrastructure. This fund lets us meet the greatest needs at the time we have them, rather than waiting for enough specific funding on multiple needs. This is really the best way to partner with us. Your gifts and support, no matter the amount, allow us to bring healing and comfort and to be the hands of Jesus to the tens of thousands we see every year.

You can learn more about this work and how these funds are used on our website www.nazpng.org/hospital.


Donate by Check:

In the US:
Make checks payable to General Treasurer
and send them to:

Global Treasury Services
Church of the Nazarene
P.O. Box 843116
Kansas City, MO 64184-3116

In Canada: Make checks payable Church of the Nazarene Canada and send them to:

Church of the Nazarene Canada
3657 Ponytrail Drive
Mississauga, ON L4X 1W5

Be sure to put ACM1273 in the Memo area. Thanks for your donation.